Welcome to a new term!

Where did the summer go? Even though we weren’t able to travel as we would normally, the summer has still flown by – already the leaves are turning golden and there’s definitely an autumnal nip in the air.

The first half of the Autumn term starts on Monday 7 September for all studio lessons (with lessons in schools starting during the week of 14th September) and runs up until and including Saturday 24 October.

Here’s to a great term of learning and making music!

New term update…

Unfortunately, we have learned today that Public Health have updated their guidelines for businesses wishing to operate in phase 4. We are extremely disappointed that this now means we are unable to teach students under 18 years of age in the studios for the first few weeks of the term – the guidelines will be reviewed once the schools have been back for two weeks.
We will keep you updated on the situation as and when we receive further news.

Covid-19 UPDATE

Following the announcement yesterday that Guernsey will be entering phase 4 of the exit from lockdown on Saturday 30 May, we are busy working towards reopening our doors as soon as Public Health permits us to do so. We hope to bring you further information about this next week. Hang in there!

Dates for new term

Please note that the new term will begin on Monday 20 April 2020. We are working on the basis that lessons will still be in an online format at the start of the next term. Lessons will be at the usual times unless your teacher has contacted you to arrange an alternative time. As soon as the island’s children are able to safely return to their schools, we will resume face to face lessons at the studios. In the meantime, stay safe and keep practising!

Online lessons in full swing!

As we have been unable to given face to face lessons for a couple of weeks now, our teachers are all teaching from their homes – these are just a few of them in their home teaching spaces! We have had some really positive comments about online lessons from our students and their parents – thank you for supporting this way of learning!


With the knowledge that schools are closing from Monday 23 March, we have made the decision to stop all face-to-face lessons at the studios from Monday onwards. IF YOU HAVE NOT YET RETURNED THE FORM GIVING CONSENT TO HAVE VIDEO LESSONS, PLEASE DO SO AS SOON AS POSSIBLE PREFERABLY BY EMAIL. If you are unable to come in for your lessons today (Fri 20 March or tomorrow, Sat 21 March) and would like a video lesson, please contact your teacher or email us to arrange this. Your lesson will remain at the usual time unless your teacher contacts you to arrange an alternative time. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us by email thirstmusicschool@gmail.com

COVID-19 virus – what does it mean for us?

Week commencing Monday 16 March 2020

We will remain open for lessons during the coming week. If you or your child is experiencing any symptoms (sore throat, dry cough, raised temperature), please notify us by email, text or Facebook and do not come for your lesson. If you are well and can come to your lesson, please make sure you wash your hands before your lesson begins. If you are generally well but have been advised, or are choosing to self-isolate, we may be able to arrange a video lesson to take place with your teacher at the same time as your usual lesson. Please email us at thirstmusicschool@gmail.com as soon as possible to arrange this and we will send you a consent form.

As always, send us an email if you have any questions regarding these arrangements.

We’re so excited to be able to host another workshop with the amazingly talented Kelly Fraser! As well as the workshop, she will also be offering 1-1 vocal lessons on the afternoon of Friday 11th and the morning of Saturday 12th March – spaces will be limited to get in touch if you’d like a spot!

Here’s a bit about Kelly’s work and experience:

Kelly is a highly experienced freelance industry vocal coach and Music Therapist. She has worked on X-Factor for over 5 years as part of the vocal coaching team and also for Britain’s Got Talent, Disney, Ant and Dec’s Saturday Night Takeaway, and Kidz Bop.
Kelly has extensive professional training and holds a 1st class honours degree in Popular Music, a PgCert in Education and a MA in Music Therapy. She has been Principle Lecturer at BIMM London for 11 years and travels across Europe leading specialist masterclasses in contemporary vocal techniques.
When she isn’t coaching or performing with her company Songbird Sessions, you’ll find her arranging and conducting various contemporary choirs in London and the South East.